

The range of service offer Metrodom River has to offer is amazingly abundant, there is not really any other residential complex in Hungary that offers so much in one place to the residents. All the services of the residential complex listed below are available to residents free of charge, costs of operation and use are included in the common cost. You only have to pay for the private nursery or in the individual shops (café, beauty salon, etc.), and the use of the kindergarten is regulated by the local government. The basic services of the residential park include the built-in camera system, as well as the two-person, 24-hour reception service and security guard, which operates at the reception area at the bottom of the Budafoki út office building at the entry point for passenger and car traffic. When concentrating and designing the services, we focused on 3 areas.

  • needs of families,
  • sports and wellness,
  • and work and recreation.

You can also find out about the services of the residential park, what you can find and where in the following site plan, just click the image to enlarge!