
1139 Budapest, Teve utca 33-41.
Year of handover: 2022
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartment units: 199
Building amenities: concierge service; gym; sauna; club room equipped with table soccer, air hockey, Xbox and a separate lounge with a kitchen; internal garden.

Metrodom Zugló
1145 Budapest, Bosnyák utca 14-18.
Year of handover: 2022
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 195
Building amenities: concierge service; a furnished community living room with a kitchenette; ornamental gardens; playground; bicycle storage; stroller storage; baby care and playroom and a BBQ terrace in the garden.

Bárd utca 2.
1097 Budapest, Bárd utca 2.
Year of handover: 2021
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 256
Building amenities: concierge service; gym; a community living room with a playroom, snooker and Xbox; internal ornamental garden; bicycle storage.
- European Property Award 2023 application || Category: Low-rise residential building || WORLD SILVER WINNER rating
- European Property Award 2021 application || Category: Architecture Multiple Residence and Residential Development || 1st prize, 5-star, premium rating, qualification for the European finals.

Metrodom Őrmező
1112 Budapest, Őrmezei út 33.
Year of handover: 2021
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 189
Building amenities: furnished community living room with a kitchenette; gym; sauna; outdoor pool with a sun deck; stroller storage; bicycle storage; BBQ terrace in the garden, security service; playground and a fire pit.

Metrodom Panoráma
1047 Budapest, Wolfner utca 4-6.
Years of handover: from 2019 to 2020
Number of phases: 4
Number of apartments: 632
Building amenities: concierge service; spacious lobby; vertical garden; playground for different age groups; stroller storage; relaxation park and arcaded terraces.
- Construction Excellence Award || Category: Residential || 1st Prize, 2021
- Wienerberger Architecture Award || Category: Innovation || 1st Prize, 2020
- FIABCI World Prix d'Excellence || Category: Mid Rise || 1st Prize, 2020
- FIABCI Hungary XXII Hungarian Real Estate Development Excellence Award || Category: Residential || 1st Prize, 2020
- EQUITONE - Fiber Cement Facades in Architecture Competition || Second Prize, 2020

Metrodom City Home
1095 Budapest, Mester utca 81-83.
Years of handover: from 2015 to 2020
Number of phases: 10
Number of apartments: 1386
Building amenities: concierge service; 1,700 sqm of greenery; playground; soccer field; ornamental pond; gym; furnished community living room with a kitchenette; baby care room

Metrodom Madarász38
1138 Budapest, Madarász Viktor utca 38-42.
Year of handover: 2020
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 291
Building amenities: internal garden; relaxation park; playground with mini slide-park; gym; traditional and infra sauna; furnished community living room with a kitchenette; stroller storage and bicycle storage.

Metrodom Park
1107 Budapest, Fogadó utca 1/C
Years of handover: from 2019 to 2020
Number of phases: 3
Number of apartments: 639
Building amenities: concierge service; huge internal park; ornamental garden; rooftop meditation garden; gym; furnished community living room with a kitchenette; baby care room; stroller storage; outdoor ping-pong table; playground and an outdoor bbq place.

Berettyó u. 2-8.
1138 Budapest, Berettyó utca 2-8.
Year of handover: 2019
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 155
Building amenities: enclosed garden with a playground; relaxation park; stroller storage and bicycle storage.

Lőportár u. 9.
1134 Budapest, Lőportár utca 9.
Year of handover: 2019
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 182
Building amenities: concierge service; high-ceiling 100 sqm lobby; internal garden; ornamental park; playground; stroller storage and bicycle storage.

Babér u. 13-15.
1131 Budapest, Babér utca 13-15.
Year of handover: 2018
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 129
Buiding amenities: concierge service; internal ornamental garden and stroller storage.

Metrodom Young
1039 Budapest, Pünkösfürdő utca 38.
Year of handover: 2016
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 257
Building amenities: concierge service; spacious, elegant lobby; lounge; gym; sauna; furnished community living room with a kitchenette; sun deck; ping-pong room; laundry; soccer field; relaxation park and a fire pit; bicycle and scooter storage.

Szent László út 41-43.
1135 Budapest, Szent László út 41-43.
Year of handover: 2016
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 68
Building amenities: ornamental garden; playground; lawn covered badminton field; lockable stroller storage and bicycle storage.

Ambrus utca 3-5.
1135 Budapest, Ambrus utca 3-5.
Year of handover: 2016
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 116
Building amenities: internal ornamental garden; lockable stroller storage and bicycle storage.

Rozsnyai u. 33.
1139 Budapest, Rozsnyai utca 33.
Year of handover: 2014
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 33

Mátyás tér 10-11.
1084 Budapest, Mátyás tér 10-11.
Year of handover: 2013
Number of phases: 1
Number of apartments: 93
Building amenities: internal ornamental garden; lockable stroller storage and bicycle storage.