Bank loan

Metrodom does not provide loan or the possibility to pay in installments, however our apartments can be purchased with bank loans, state subsidized interest discounts as per the stipulations of the law, and also with the help of the Family Housing Support Program. Since our apartments are newly built, state subsidies available only for new-build homes, assistance schemes not available to purchase second-hand homes, can also be used and many different loan schemes with market interest can also be obtained under preferential terms (lower down payment, preferential interest, etc.).

Information on bank loans can be requested from our colleagues. Loan applications may be submitted to any bank capable of meeting our payment conditions, i.e. must disburse the loan after the occupancy permit has been issued. (the bank has 45 days to disburse the loan as per the terms of the contract). Only some of the banks meet this requirement, others only disburse the loan after the condominium has been formed, which takes place later than the issuance of the occupancy permit, and we are not willing to wait out the delay this may cause. Let us also draw your attention to the fact that, in addition to meeting these requirements, the banks financing Metrodom’s property development projects (currently MBH Bank and OTP Bank) also offer special financing schemes only available to Metrodom customers. Find the contact details of dedicated branch offices on the left. When comparing the offers from different banks, please request information on the terms and time of disbursement to see if they comply with the terms and condition laid out in the contract in the first place. 

In case you want to obtain a bank loan and receive offers from multiple banks, make sure you also turn to the dedicated branch offices and customer care staff of the banks financing the construction (OTP Bank or MBH Bank) as their terms are usually the most favorable. Find the contact details of dedicated branch offices on the left. When comparing the offers from different banks, please request information on the terms and time of disbursement as these may substantially vary from bank to bank. Most banks would only disburse the loan upon the registration of condominium (or ownership), which may take place months after the reception of the occupancy permit and the moving in of the other residents. If you wish to move in as early as possible we recommend that you turn to MBH or OTP Bank, which disburses the loan right after the occupancy permit entered into legal force.