Meet Klári, the black belt activist

2024. November 15. Friday

If it were up to Klári, the world would be a better place a thousand times over, or at least cleaner, happier and more livable. She never rests, Klári is green energy herself.

It all started when she fell in love with a green scooter as a little girl and from then on she never went anywhere without it. It was as if they had grown together, but Klári wasn't honing her technique, she was collecting kilometers. Or maybe she just didn't have the patience to wait for the tram to arrive, but why should she when she could get there on her scooter in no time at all?

Klári is a true Generation Z girl. It never crossed her mind that she could sit in an office and work - sitting as such had never even crossed her mind. If anyone, she knows what she wants: to change the world. And the first step is to make scootering not just an option, but one that everyone wants to choose. And once you've got the idea to change the world, organize a start-up. For her, 'organizing' means coming and going (on her scooter) all day long, negotiating and taking action. Although, in her view, she's just sitting pretty.

Every company needs an office, but Klári doesn't believe in sitting still. But community offices were made for her, so when she chose Metrodom Green as her future home, this was an important consideration. Or rather, the fact that in a community office you can always meet and talk to new people, which is something she loves. And well, it's mutual. Klári is a real people magnet, everyone loves her because she is open, accepting, non-judgmental - she simply believes in people.

Klári is also a woman of infinite calm. Even her boyfriend Gábor's eccentricities don't get her down, she smoothly reconciles her own unbridled pace with his more introverted lifestyle. The only thing that can get her off the rails is the exploitation of the environment, which she sees as a vicious attack on the future. Climate depression is not Klári's style, however, and she sees anxiety as a waste of time - so she clearly doesn't believe that if everyone keeps a low profile, the Earth will be saved. She is convinced that it is technological innovation that will get humanity out of the mess: solar panels, green roofs, electromobility and all the community and technological solutions that will allow more and more people on Earth to live an ever-better life using less and less clean energy. If anyone, she understands what sustainable development means. It's no coincidence that she chose Metrodom Green as her future home, where all this is already happening, but what struck her most was the way water is treated: even the condensation from the air conditioning is used to water the thousands of plants planted on the green façade. Not a drop of water is wasted, which simply amazes Klári.

She is also inspired by the Bubi station installed in front of the reception area, which she sees not as a competitor to her own business, but as a synergy: they will reinforce each other, so that more people will use the clean, green and communal tools.

With Gábor her soulmate, spiritual and intellectual partner, they look forward to spending evenings with each other, Gábor, on the roof terrace, chatting among the many green plants. Klári plans that her new apartment will not only be full of plants on the outside but will also be like living in a jungle on the inside. She's already bought her first piece of equipment: a trendy watering can that she'll never have to replace, and which she expects to be found in pristine condition when future archeologists unearth it in five hundred years.