How to use Dual Eco Plus cooling

Dual Eco ceiling cooling is one of the most advanced, most delicate and healthiest cooling methods used in apartments. Due to the technology being different from traditional air conditioners, Dual Eco requires different operation methods. The smaller is the difference between outside and inside temperature, the more efficient the air-air pumps used for cooling are. The water circulated inside the pipes is cooled only to the temperature that water does not get condensed on the ceiling surface. The hotter the air and the cooler a given object (in this case the ceiling) is, the highest is the likelihood of the relative humidity of the air reaching the so called dewpoint, at which moisture in the air gets condensed on the surface, just like when a bottle of chilled drink is removed from the fridge. Therefore, relative humidity of the air is to be kept low, otherwise the system automatically shuts down and cooling stops to avoid condensation and the ceiling getting moist.

Low humidity, better cooling
While cooking or bathing, water is constantly evaporating, causing the humidity of the air to rise. Similarly, drying laundry also emits significant amounts of vapor into the air. While they breath, humans and room plants raise humidity as well. Dew formation is the most concentrated during bathing and drying of laundry, this is why ventilation fans are usually employed in bathrooms to remove humid air. This alone is not enough to ensure adequate relative humidity, bathrooms are therefore excluded from the cooling circuit. To maintain a sufficient level of humidity, do not dry laundry in the bathroom or in other rooms of the apartment, always use the kitchen hood while cooking and, if humidity is too high (this can be checked by the smart home system), air your apartment briefly.

Ventilate smart
While airing during the summer heat, windows should remain open just for the time necessary for the air to freshen and humidity to decrease to sufficient levels. If the apartment is aired for too long, air heats up and cooling it down again on the one hand takes a long period of time for the delicate cooling method and consume more energy on the other resulting in higher costs than necessary only to maintain temperature. On hot summer days, during or after thunderstorms when humidity temporarily rises, airing is outright prohibited, as instead of humid air leaving the apartment, it will come to the apartment from the outside. Not only does this cause the air to heat up but also relative humidity to rise, which, when detected by its sensors, makes the cooling system shut down. To avoid the apartment cooling up fast and unnecessarily, it is recommended to air during early morning or late-night hours, when outside temperature is sufficiently low.

The importance of shading
Ceiling cooling is mild and delicate, but it works a lot slower than traditional air conditioning. For this reason, it is particularly important to prevent the apartment from heating up fast by radiation of the sun through the large glass surface of the windows. We recommend that you draw the curtain and wind down the shutters during the day. You can make your window shutters smart and connect them to the smart home system even later, thus allowing for sufficient shading automatically and faster and more economical cooling.